Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia in the form of research and can be accessed openly. This journal is published once a month by Publikasi Indonesia. 

Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be empirically examined. This journal publishes research articles covering multidisciplinary sciences, which include: Humanities and social sciences, Engineering, Health, Law, and medical sciences.
Journal has become a member of Crossref (Prefix: 10.36418) with Online ISSN 2774-6534 and Print ISSN 2774-6291

Vol. 4 No. 12 (2024): Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia

Published: 2024-12-19

Hubungan antara Empati dan Kualitas Hubungan Interpersonal pada Mahasiswa

View: 2 1073-1084

Legal Transformation in Limiting Human Rights in the Dilemma of Preventing Nepotism and Corruption

View: 5 1034-1044

Uncertainty of Law Regarding Restitution as Legal Protection for Child Victims of Sexual Violence

View: 0 1045-1053

Strategi Pemasaran, Performa Kerja, dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada iDo Events

View: 5 1019-1025

Quo Vadis Protection of Human Rights in Coercive Confiscation Efforts

View: 1 1063-1072

Transforming Education for Juvenile Offenders in Child Special Guidance Institutions

View: 3 1055-1062
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