Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia, Maret 2021, 1 (3), 221-228
p-ISSN: 2774-6291 e-ISSN: 2774-6534
Available online at http://cerdika.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/cerdika/index
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Hanna Wijaya
, Yohanes Firmansyah
dan Slamet Tri Wahyudi
Faculty of Law, Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta University, Jakarta, Indonesia
hannawijaya@yahoo.com, yohanesfirmansy[email protected] dan
slamettriwahy[email protected]c.id
Received : 26-02-2021
Revised : 22-03-2021
Accepted : 25-03-2021
Introduction: COVID-19 has become one of the problems
that attacks all elements of national and state life. The effects
of the COVID-19 Pandemic are not only related to health,
but also attack the social aspects and resilience of a country.
It is not surprising that the COVID-19. Pandemic can be
classified as a non-military threat to a nation. Purpose: This
paper discusses the role of society through attitudes towards
State defense such as Following Health Protocols (Keeping
Distance, Washing Hands and Wearing Masks) as a Form of
State Defense in the Era of COVID-19. Method: This
research is a literature review study that discusses social
issues using 3 types of approaches, namely the statute
approach, conceptual approach and case approach. Results:
The results of this study reveal that we need to adjust to new
behaviors in order to be healthier, safer and more compliant.
We need to use all tools available to motivate citizens. The
role of the community in breaking the chain of transmission
of the disease COVID-19 (risk of contracting and
transmission) must be carried out by implementing a number
of health protocols. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study
is that COVID-19 has become a very big problem for all
countries, forcing the security of the state. The main thing
the community can do to combat a disease is with the
Following Health Protocols such as Keeping Distance,
Washing Hands and Wearing Masks.
Keywords: state defese; health protocols COVID-19;
keeping distance; washing hands; wearing masks.
Defending the state is a positive action to raise awareness of state defense in every
citizen who has the rights and obligations to defend his country. A sense of full
responsibility and willingness to sacrifice for the nation and its state, as well as patriotism
and nationalism, are fostered by state awareness programs. In implementing state
responsibilities, all citizens can contribute in many ways. In the midst of a COVID-19
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pandemic, we must physically defend the state in order to maintain a separation between
individuals and society in order to break the chain of COVID-19. A country will be
regarded as large if it has the capacity to overcome adversity. According to Mahipal
(2011), the state can create citizen awareness by highlighting the importance of rights and
responsibilities. Awareness of national defense must be developed through motivation to
love one's country and to participate in defending the state (Widodo, 2011).
Today, widespread across the world, including in our country, Indonesia is under
threat, from the deadly virus Corona Virus Disease 2019 or COVID-2019. Violidicidin was
first identified in Wuhan City in the final quarter of 2019. Later on, various countries
adopted this mask. WHO has stated that COVID-19 can be transmitted from an infected
person. This disease is easily transferred from the tongue and mucus membranes through
saliva and sneezing. If a person touches, then they will become infected. The person will
then touch their nose, eyes, mouth and will become infected. This disease is caused by the
SARS Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This new coronavirus has been found in humans for
the first time. Wuhan is located in southwestern Hubei province of China and is the capital
of Hubei Province. At the beginning of December 2019 in the month of diagnosis,
suffering from flu was not unusual. On December 31, 2019, the World Health Organization
received confirmation from the Chinese government that the epidemic had reached its peak
and was beginning to decline. The virus spread around, beginning in Wuhan, then being
spread to many other cities and countries. At first, the COPY-19 disease was a global
epidemic. Later, it became a pandemic. In every country, there was an increase in
The controversy sparked several countries to consider measures to prevent the
spread of the disease. Efforts made by the local government and the efforts of the central
government of each country. But, despite the increase in cases, incidence is still occurring
in various places. Based on the goal of ensuring health for all, WHO has identified certain
health protocols that the general public should follow. In Indonesia, the CDC first
discovered COVID-19 in March of 2020. With the addition of faster-than-average cases,
the score will rise. However, it is very difficult to determine the proper patient. Because
every patient tested positive has had contact with a family member and coworkers, both at
home and work. Everyone who has been in contact with the contaminated patient will be
contacted by his or her coworkers and family members. To introduce the Indonesian
government to the recommendation of the WHO which recommends using masks, hand
washing with soap, carrying hand sanitizers, maintaining distance from others or what is
often referred to as social distancing and independent isolation. Due to the newness of
COVID-19, it has caused many new changes because there is still a lot of research being
done to find out more about this disease. Consequently, today people are waking up to the
importance of implementing the WHO standard in healthcare. Despite the fact that there
are many people who have not been able to comply with existing regulations, the central
and local governments have made various efforts to resist the spread of disease (Wu et al.,
The purpose of this study is to discuss the role of society through attitudes towards
State defense such as Following Health Protocols (Keeping Distance, Washing Hands and
Wearing Masks) as a Form of State Defense in the Era of COVID-19.
This research is based on literature review. The literature search took place from
January 1, 2021 to January 31, 2021. The search for data was carried out on various search
engines such as Google Scholar.
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The research method was in the form of a normative legal and sociology review
that studied the application of values in positive law by analyzing regulations related to the
"Behavior of Following Health Protocols (Keeping Distance, Washing Hands and Wearing
Masks) as a Form of State Defense in the Era of COVID-19" using various approaches:
statute approach, conceptual approach and case approach.
This study examines strategic issues from a juriditive normative point of view.
Some of the data sources used in this study are credible secondary data sources. The
secondary data sources in this study are divided into two, namely library sources and
secondary sources of law. Library sources in this research include books, journals, and
other written documents. Secondary legal materials used in this research consist of
applicable laws, court decisions, legal theory, doctrine, and expert opinions presented in
the form of written documents.
Coronavirus 2019 (CV-2019) is a new type of coronavirus that causes an
infectious disease. Wuhan is located in southwestern Hubei province of China and is
the capital of Hubei Province. In December of last year, a person was diagnosed with
pneumonia. The cause of the disease is not yet fully understood. On December 31,
2019, the Chinese government officially reported the outbreak of 41 cases of
pneumonia and no cause has yet been determined (WHO). It quickly became clear
that the cause was not clear, and the disease spread prevalently to other areas and
other countries. Thailand was the first country to contract the new type of coronavirus
which was an old coronavirus (2019-nCoV). On January 30, 2020 the World Health
Organization (WHO) declared a world health emergency due to an outbreak of
Corona Virus. The number of patients with this new coronavirus is increasing very
fast. The name was later changed to COVID-19 and was announced by WHO on
February 11, 2020. On March 2, 2020, Indonesia's government publicly confirmed
two Indonesians who tested positive for COVID-19, which is said to be the first
confirmed case of the virus in the country. As a result of the epidemic development in
all parts of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic was declared by the WHO on March
11, 2020 (Sohrabi et al., 2020).
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new, previously unknown, type of
disease that is currently affecting humans. The virus that causes the aforementioned
acronym is called SARS-CoV-2. Corona viruses are considered zoonotic (transmitted
between animals and humans). Due to the ongoing sources of transmission of
COVID-19, the animal remains unknown. Based on scientific research, COVID-19
can be transmitted through droplets in coughs and sneezes. The people most likely to
get this disease are those who care for patients such as those with COVID-19
(Gondouin, 2020; Kannan et al., 2020; Rothan & Byrareddy, 2020; Tim COVID-19
IDAI, 2020).
While the spread of COVID-19 is an ongoing concern, it should be mitigated
by implementing comprehensive health protocols. Exposure to pesticides without
protective gear has also become a serious problem in Indonesia. In addition to the fact
that there are fewer personal protective equipment, there are few masks and no
containment facilities in hospitals in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially in
Indonesia, people panicked because of this news related to COVID-19, which made
people buy masks and hand sanitizers in large quantities which is also referred to as
"panic buying" which causes the supply of these products to be so scarce that they
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don't even exist in market. Even though these items are on the market, they are more
expensive than the other competitive goods (Suni, 2020).
Symptoms felt by one person will vary in another's presence. For mild to severe
symptoms, there are people who don't experience any and for people who do not
experience any symptoms, the person will still feel healthy. Most people experience
symptoms such as high fever, dry cough and fatigue. Sometimes the patient feels
pain, nasal congestion, headache, runny nose, inflammation of the conjunctiva and
sore throat, along with feeling nauseous and a red rash on the skin. Current cases that
have occurred and the symptoms and severity of the cases. Certain medical
conditions often worsen at the same time as the patient. (Amalia et al., 2020).
To diagnose COVID-19, WHO recommends conducting a PCR examination or
what we usually call a swab examination. But because the PCR examination takes a
long time, initially a quick examination is carried out or what is called a rapid test.
However, there are still many places that cannot reach the community for inspection,
this is because the tools and materials for inspection are still very limited, although
over time more and more tools and materials have been found but the examination is
still small (Burhan et al., 2015).
Current research in the treatment of COVID-19 is still on going to determine
the right therapy for patients. There is currently no vaccine or specific drug that
provides a protective benefit to prevent and treat this COVID-19 disease. Treatment
that can be done at this time covers those aspects which correspond to the various
symptoms appearing (Tim COVID-19 Indonesia, 2020).
With globalization penetrating diverse aspects of people's lives it is also
increasingly threatening national defense in safeguarding state sovereignty, territorial
integrity and national safety. To deal with multi-dimensional threats as stated above,
handling not only rests on defense capabilities with a military dimension, but also
involves defense capabilities with a non-military dimension as the embodiment of the
State's universal defense system (Surahman, 2013; Yoga Agustin, 2011).
Based on the nature of the threat, this is categorized as an internal threat or an
external threat. Non-military threats are essentially those brought about by threats
against the sovereignty of the state, the territorial integrity of the country and the
safety of the entire nation. No matter the dimension (ideology, politics, economy,
culture, technology, information), both military and non-military threats can be
identified. (Kemenhan, 2016; Mahendra Wiswayana et al., 2020; Timbul, 2016;
Yulianti, 2018).
A threat with a socio-cultural dimension can be identified based on the internal
and external nature of the threat. Threats from within are often the result of social
justice concerns, poverty and backwardness. In this issue, problems such as
"secession", "terrorism", "rampant violence" and "disasters caused by human
actions" arise. These have become "germs" which threaten national unity,
nationalism, patriotism and the integrity of the nation. An inherent and entrenched
character of violence develops, such as a fire in the husks of the community which
triggers inter-community conflicts or vertical conflicts between the central and
regional governments. Horizontal conflicts with dimensions of ethnicity, religion,
race and intergroup occur because of inherent nature of violence. Violence is an
essential part of crime, which sometimes leads to environmental destruction, and
sometimes to man-made disasters. These factors have become widespread, but will
have an adverse effect on the Indonesian nation as a whole (Kemenhan, 2016;
Mahendra Wiswayana et al., 2020; Timbul, 2016; Yulianti, 2018).
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Awareness of your rights and obligations as a citizen of Indonesia is essential,
and must be owned by every Indonesian citizen as a defense of their rights and
obligations. The awareness of defending the country is the country's strongest asset
and the basic foundation for the security and survival of the Indonesian nation and
state. What a state defense law is according to Article 9 of Law number 3 of 2002 -
Paragraph (2) letter b which reads "what is meant by service in accordance with the
profession is service to the state which has a certain profession for the interest of
national defense, including in overcoming it and/ or minimizing the consequences
caused by war, natural disasters, or others (Indonesia, 2002).
In the form of defending our country as Indonesian citizens, what we can do in
the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic or the corona virus which has disrupted and
threatens the lives of the Indonesian people is by complying with policies issued by
the central and regional governments, namely to keep people at a distance, to increase
interpersonal distance, meticulously wash your hands, eat healthy foods and refrain
from going out. Whereas Article 9 of Law number 3 of 2002 states that every citizen
has the right and obligation to actively participate in efforts to defend the state. The
manifestation of the will to defend the State is the readiness and willingness of every
citizen to sacrifice themselves for the sake of upholding the integrity of the
Indonesian nation, the unity of the archipelago, and the survival and national
jurisdiction of the 1945 Constitution (Indonesia, 2002).
The community has an important role in breaking the chain of transmission of
COVID-19 so as not to cause new sources of transmission/ clusters in places where
the movement of people, interaction between humans and large gatherings of people
occurs. The community must adapt to different habits in order to be healthier, cleaner
and more obedient, which are carried out by all components of the community and by
empowering all resources available. The role of the community in breaking the chain
of transmission of the disease COVID-19 (risk of contracting and transmitting) must
be carried out by implementing a number of health protocols such as: (Aftab, 2020;
Gondouin, 2020; Kemenkes RI, 2020; Tim COVID-19 IDAI, 2020).
1. Use personal protective equipment in the form of a mask that covers the nose and
mouth to the chin, if you have to leave the house or interact with other people
whose health status is unknown (who might transmit COVID-19). If using a cloth
mask, you should use a 3-layer cloth mask.
2. Clean your hands regularly by washing your hands with soap under running
water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Always avoid touching your eyes,
nose and mouth with unclean hands (which may be contaminated with droplets
containing the virus).
3. Maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter from other people to avoid getting
droplets from people who are talking, coughing or sneezing and avoiding crowds,
crowds and overcrowding. If it is not possible to maintain a distance, various
administrative and technical engineering can be carried out. Administrative
engineering can be in the form of limiting the number of people, setting
schedules, and so on. While technical engineering, among others, can be in the
form of partitioning, setting entry and exit routes and so on.
The importance of implementing health protocols is the strongest because it
will further help the government reduce the current rate of the COVID-19 virus. The
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need for public awareness from not causing a crowd to gather in a place. In everyday
life, it has become a very effective way, in the workplace and in the household
environment. (Aftab, 2020; Kemenkes RI, 2020; Sohrabi et al., 2020; Wang et al.,
A country will be regarded as large if it has the capacity to overcome adversity.
Efforts are made to defend the state, expecting every citizen to understand their rights
and expectations. Through providing a motivating process, people need to be
encouraged to love the country and participate in defending the state. The worldwide
Corona Virus is frightening many people. First, among the factors supporting the
existence of social distancing is that it is a form of state defense against the
Indonesian State. By limiting all activities outside the home can save the state of
Indonesia, by obeying the community to continue at home as long as there is this
Corona Virus, the community breaks the chain of this Corona Virus so as not to
contract or transmit it to other humans. Second, express appropriate emotions. Our
modern social media are indeed free spaces for everyone to express personal feelings.
However, my disorder is not the only cause of my difficulties.
Moreover, some people also have very sensitive skin. When a person has a
sneezing and coughing condition. It is normal to not shake hands and say “cipika
cipiki” these days. Third, build solidarity with other members of the audience. When
there is a part of society affected by the virus, what is needed is a level of empathy
with those who are suffering and threatened. No one wants to be single. When
someone has a cough, fever and indications of flu, then with full self-awareness to
comply with health protocols, for example wearing a mask, stay away from the crowd
and others. It was important to have the courage to continue to pray for peace as the
COVID-19 pandemic case continues. These four actions are part of laying the
groundwork for how we will respond to the future threat posed by the COVID-19
crisis. Defending the state is not always through heroic action such as during the fight
for independence, but people of good will work together to achieve common goals. If
you are unable to control or reasonably limit yourself, you should not be allowed to
harm others (Hs, 2020; Mareta, 2020; Nurhalimah, 2020b, 2020a; Oktami Putri,
2020; Shabrina, 2020).
COVID-19 has become a very big problem for all countries to the point of
threatening the security of the State. One form of State defense and an attitude of
nationalism that the community can take to overcome COVID-19 and help the State is by
doing simple things, such as following health protocols (keeping distance, washing hands
and wearing masks) as a form of state defense in the era of COVID-19.
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