Diki Surya Irawan, Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari dan Anggita Ariesta/Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia
1(3), 189-208
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class tourist attractions. This development was carried out in 2019 and is planned to be
completed in 2020 under the order of the President Republic Indonesia (Judisseno, 2019).
To support National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) program, the development of
the Samosir especially in The Ambarita Area has many considerations in its
implementation, especially in environmental issues such as the quantity and quality of
Lake Toba waters in supporting tourism activities and the surrounding community. The
clean water that contaminated biologically or chemically can cause the negative impact on
the public health (Sari, Madonna, et al., 2018). However, currently the water quality of
Lake Toba has been polluted, which causes the waters of Lake Toba to smell and become
turbid. Turbidity caused by high biological activity such as algae, phytoplankton,
zooplankton which is triggered by an increase in phosphorus levels (Sari, Sugiana, et al.,
2018). According to the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in 2018, one of the
contributing sources of pollutant sources for Lake Toba waters comes from floating net
cage activities which cause high phosphorus content due to the use of excess fish feed,
which is 941.1 tons / year from floating net cage fish cultivation and phosphorus pollutant
in the river that enters Lake Toba amounting to 25,334 tons / year (Kartamihardja et al.,
Other sources of pollutant waters of Lake Toba are caused by discharges of
domestic wastewater from household activities and other public facilities. The occurrence
of siltation, the quality of river water becomes polluted and the flow of the river water is
stopped caused by the accumulation of the waste is a condition where the biophysical
quality of the river decreases, which can be caused by the waste that is disposed of by the
community into the river (Sari, Sugiana, et al., 2018). Besides, the water body is passed by
various kinds of waste like domestic and industrial waste, causing water bodies to contain
nutrients, which are phytoplankton food (Sari, Sugiana, et al., 2018). Disposal of domestic
wastewater in the Lake Toba area, especially Ambarita, still uses a local treatment system
where there is no transportation to serve it, so that domestic wastewater is discharged
directly into septic tanks, lakes, rivers, or irrigation canals without prior treatment which
causes pollution of Lake waters. Toba. According to the 65.3% of the people who have a
septic tank, 33.6% have not met technical standards and only 23.8% have drains other than
feces. The Ambarita area will become a City Service Center covering lodging, tourism, as
well as supporting facilities and infrastructure. However, seeing the sanitation conditions in
the tourist area of Lake Toba, it is necessary to build a centralized system of Domestic
Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Wastewater Treatment Plants will be built around the lake which has a tourism and
housing area with an offsite system (centralized). The various topographical conditions of
the Ambarita Area, the Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant will be located in an area
that has the lowest contour and utilizes a gravity system. The wastewater drainage system
with gravity must be supported by a pipeline network for channel domestic wastewater to a
centralized WWTP which will be planned in the Ambarita area.
Pollution of water bodies, decreasing level of public health encourages the
establishment of an integrated wastewater treatment system. The system offered is a
domestic wastewater management system which includes the distribution and treatment of
domestic wastewater, in the form of gray water and black water (Pratiwi & Purwanti,
2015). The aim of this research is to design a domestic wastewater pipeline in the Ambarita
area and make recommendations for the most appropriate WWTP technology to be able to
treat domestic wastewater in the area so as not to pollute Lake Toba. This research
becomes a new input in relation to port development in Ambarita, this research not only
makes the design of the waste water pipe network but also provides technology
recommendations that can be used in WWTP in the area.