Cerdika: Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia, Maret 2021, 1 (3), 189-208
p-ISSN: 2774-6291 e-ISSN: 2774-6534
Available online at http://cerdika.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/cerdika/index
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Diki Surya Irawan, Deffi Ayu Puspito Sari dan Anggita Ariesta
Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Bakrie, Jakarta, Indonesia
Received : 26-02-2021
Revised : 20-03-2021
Accepted : 25-03-2021
Lake Toba is one of ten programs the Ministry of Tourism in
the Republic Indonesia, as a priority tourism area because of
its unique potential. The Ambarita is one of 16 villages that
are priority areas in Simanindo Subdistrict, Samosir
Regency. At present, the quality of Lake Toba's waters has
been polluted, the pollution is caused by domestic waste
water which is discharged directly without prior treatment.
The purpose of this study is to plan a domestic wastewater
pipeline network and recommendations for wastewater
treatment plants with a centralized system in the Ambarita.
This study uses a quantitative data analysis method by using
a population projection approach with maximum capacity to
be planned in the draft MasterPlan of Ambarita and
literature study for WWTP technology recommendations.
The results showed that the total discharge of wastewater in
the Ambarita was 0,06495 m3/second and the results of
laboratory tests showed the parameters that exceeded quality
standard were free chlorine and fecal coli. Piping network
planning in the Ambarita uses concrete type pipes with
diameters of 100 mm, 125 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm and 250
mm. The selected Waste Water Treatment Technology
recommended is anaerobic-aerobic biofilter technology with
removal efficiency for fecal coli and free chlorine are 99.9%
and 65%.
Keywords: concrete type pipes; anaerobic-aerobic biofilter;
free chlorine; fecal coli.
Lake Toba is a volcanic lake located in North Sumatra. The potential for the
uniqueness of Lake Toba is that there is an island in the middle of the lake called Samosir
Island so that its uniqueness makes Lake Toba one of the ten programs of the Ministry of
Tourism Republic Indonesia, as a priority tourist area. According to the President of the
Republic of Indonesia, Lake Toba has 28 tourist points that can be developed into world-
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class tourist attractions. This development was carried out in 2019 and is planned to be
completed in 2020 under the order of the President Republic Indonesia (Judisseno, 2019).
To support National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) program, the development of
the Samosir especially in The Ambarita Area has many considerations in its
implementation, especially in environmental issues such as the quantity and quality of
Lake Toba waters in supporting tourism activities and the surrounding community. The
clean water that contaminated biologically or chemically can cause the negative impact on
the public health (Sari, Madonna, et al., 2018). However, currently the water quality of
Lake Toba has been polluted, which causes the waters of Lake Toba to smell and become
turbid. Turbidity caused by high biological activity such as algae, phytoplankton,
zooplankton which is triggered by an increase in phosphorus levels (Sari, Sugiana, et al.,
2018). According to the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in 2018, one of the
contributing sources of pollutant sources for Lake Toba waters comes from floating net
cage activities which cause high phosphorus content due to the use of excess fish feed,
which is 941.1 tons / year from floating net cage fish cultivation and phosphorus pollutant
in the river that enters Lake Toba amounting to 25,334 tons / year (Kartamihardja et al.,
Other sources of pollutant waters of Lake Toba are caused by discharges of
domestic wastewater from household activities and other public facilities. The occurrence
of siltation, the quality of river water becomes polluted and the flow of the river water is
stopped caused by the accumulation of the waste is a condition where the biophysical
quality of the river decreases, which can be caused by the waste that is disposed of by the
community into the river (Sari, Sugiana, et al., 2018). Besides, the water body is passed by
various kinds of waste like domestic and industrial waste, causing water bodies to contain
nutrients, which are phytoplankton food (Sari, Sugiana, et al., 2018). Disposal of domestic
wastewater in the Lake Toba area, especially Ambarita, still uses a local treatment system
where there is no transportation to serve it, so that domestic wastewater is discharged
directly into septic tanks, lakes, rivers, or irrigation canals without prior treatment which
causes pollution of Lake waters. Toba. According to the 65.3% of the people who have a
septic tank, 33.6% have not met technical standards and only 23.8% have drains other than
feces. The Ambarita area will become a City Service Center covering lodging, tourism, as
well as supporting facilities and infrastructure. However, seeing the sanitation conditions in
the tourist area of Lake Toba, it is necessary to build a centralized system of Domestic
Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Wastewater Treatment Plants will be built around the lake which has a tourism and
housing area with an offsite system (centralized). The various topographical conditions of
the Ambarita Area, the Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant will be located in an area
that has the lowest contour and utilizes a gravity system. The wastewater drainage system
with gravity must be supported by a pipeline network for channel domestic wastewater to a
centralized WWTP which will be planned in the Ambarita area.
Pollution of water bodies, decreasing level of public health encourages the
establishment of an integrated wastewater treatment system. The system offered is a
domestic wastewater management system which includes the distribution and treatment of
domestic wastewater, in the form of gray water and black water (Pratiwi & Purwanti,
2015). The aim of this research is to design a domestic wastewater pipeline in the Ambarita
area and make recommendations for the most appropriate WWTP technology to be able to
treat domestic wastewater in the area so as not to pollute Lake Toba. This research
becomes a new input in relation to port development in Ambarita, this research not only
makes the design of the waste water pipe network but also provides technology
recommendations that can be used in WWTP in the area.
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The pipeline network planning and recommendations for domestic WWTP are
carried out based on the results of several field applications that are in accordance with
existing conditions. This research was conducted in the Ambarita area, Simanindo District,
Samosir Regency, North Sumatra from December 2019 to February 2020. Sources of data
used in this study come from primary data, namely the amount of wastewater, sources of
wastewater, conditions of MCK, WWTP, soil elevation and documentation to support the
research, while secondary data includes topography, lake water quality parameters Toba,
population, average water consumption, location map. The method used in this research is
using a descriptive quantitative data analysis method in designing and recommending
domestic WWTP (Nasoetion et al., 2017). The stages of the research method as a whole
can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Research Flowchart
The calculated and analyzed data is processed to obtain a domestic wastewater
pipeline network design and a recommendation for WWTP technology using the
following methods:
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A. Population Projection
Indonesia is the fourth country with biggest population in the world (Sari, Madonna,
et al., 2018). The calculation of population projections will affect domestic clean
water needs. The population projections of the Simanindo Priority Area are divided
into 2 types, namely natural projections and progressive projections. Natural
projection is a natural population growth projection which has not been influenced by
external factors that will affect population development in the area. Meanwhile, a
progressive projection is a population projection that looks at population development
if population migration is expected to support. Unfortunately, high population density
can lead to natural disaster and disturbed ecosystem balance (Sari, Sugiana, et al.,
There are several methods that can be used to analyze the development of natural
population, namely:
1. Least Square Methode
This method is carried out if the amount of data is odd by using the following
y = a+b x
yi = Total population in year-i
ui = Multiplier variable
x = The period of the year between the projection year and the current year
ui = 0
2. Arithmetic method
This method is used if periodic data shows the number of additions that are
relatively the same each year. This usually occurs in cities with small areas, low
economic growth rates and not too fast urban development. The formula for this
method is:
y = y + g.x
yn = Total population in final data
x = The period between the projection year and the final data year
g = Average annual population growth
3. Geometric Method
This method is used if the population data shows a rapid increase from year to
year. The formula for this method is:
y = y (1+r )
r = -1
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y(t) = Projected population in a certain year
yn = Total population in final data
x = The period between the projection year and the final data year
r = Population growth rate
n = The amount of data
4. Linear Regression Method
y = a+bx
y x - x (xy)
N x - x
N (xy)- x y
N x - x
5. Exponential Method
y = a e
ln a= ln y - b x
N x ln y - x ln y
N x - x
6. Logarithmic Method
y = a+b lnx
a= y -b ln x
N y ln x - y ln x
N ln x - ln x
To determine the most appropriate method to be used in planning, it is
necessary to calculate the correction factor, standard deviation, and the state of
future developments in the city. The correlation, r, can be calculated using the
R =1-
P -P
R =1-
P -P
= Correlation factor
= Total population at year n
= average population of known data
P = Projected population based on calculations the regression method done
The correlation criteria are as follows:
1. r < 0, strong correlation, but negative value and relationship
between the two variables is inversely proportional.
2. r = 0, both data have no relationship.
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3. r > 1, strong correlation, positive value and the relationship between the two
variables is directly proportional.
The standard deviation can be calculated using a formula:
P - P
P - P -
STD = Standard deviation of known data
n = Amount of known data
The projection method chosen is the method with the lowest standard
deviation value and the largest correlation coefficient.
B. Need for Clean Water
a) Domestic Water Needs
Domestic water needs are met in two ways, namely House Connections and
Public Taps. For now, the Ambarita area still serves the planning area at 0%. It is
planned to increase to 91%. Based on data (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2018), the
existing population of Ambarita in 2018 is 1043 people and is included in the
rural category. The ratio between the number of residents served by Domestic
Connection and Public Taps for rural areas is 70:30. Standard drinking water
needs of:
- Home connection: 100L / person /day
- General faucet: 30 L / person / day
The calculation of domestic water demand can be seen in the equation below
(Fatimah et al., 2014).
Domestic Water Need = Total Population x Water Needs per Capita
Per capita water needs will differ in each city depending on the social and
economic level of the community. The minimum basic requirement for water
consumption per person is 121 liters per day. These needs are needed in the needs
of drinking, cooking, washing clothes, bathing, cleaning the house and the needs
of worship. According to Poedjastanto, Indonesia's minimum basic need is 70
liters / person / day (Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kementrian PUPR, 2007).
b) Non-Domestic Water Needs
Non-domestic water needs are water needs that include urban (social and public)
facilities in the planning area. Urban facilities located in Ambarita include
education, health, worship and recreation. The calculation of non-domestic water
demand is as follows (Fatimah et al., 2014).
Total Non-Domestic Water Needs = ∑Water Requirement for Industry +
Water Needs for Trade and Services + Water Needs for Other Economic
The water requirement of each activity is the multiplication of the number of
units and the water requirement per unit of activity.
C. Domestic Wastewater Discharge
In calculating the volume of domestic wastewater, it is necessary to know the volume
of clean water requirements. The need for clean water is expressed as the peak hour
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discharge which is the amount of water during the greatest use in 24 hours (Martono,
The peak hour discharge is calculated by the formula below.
= f
x Qr
Qjp = peak hour discharge (m
Qr = average discharge (m
fjp = peak hour factor
The peak hour discharge states the amount of clean water needed. Wastewater
discharge states the amount of wastewater or waste produced by the community
during a certain period of time. According to (Martono, 2015) wastewater discharge
can be calculated in the following formulation below.
= 80% ×
= wastewater discharge (m
The minimum wastewater discharge (Qmin) is the discharge of wastewater when
using minimum water. The minimum discharge calculation requires equivalent
population data (PE) and average wastewater discharge (Q
r ab
). Equivalent population
(PE) is the amount of organic waste decomposed from household and commercial
activities (Martono, 2015).
 = 0.2 × ∑
 =
Qmin = minimum wastewater discharge (m
PE = equivalent population (people)
r ab
= average wastewater discharge (m
n = number of nodes in a wastewater distribution system
The peak discharge calculation can be obtained from the equation below.
Qpeak = Q
r ab
x fpeak
Qpeak = Peak discharge of wastewater (m
r ab
= Average water discharge waste (m
Fpeak = Peak factor
Figure 2.
Wastewater Peak Factor
Source : (Pratiwi & Purwanti, 2015)
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The maximum wastewater discharge (Qmax) is the discharge of wastewater at
the time of maximum water use. The Qmax calculation uses the maximum daily
factor value data which is the ratio between the average water (Martono, 2015).
 = 5 × 
×  × 
Annotation: fhm = max. daily factor (1,2)
D. Wastewater Channelling System
The design of the wastewater distribution system must first know the value of the
initial full flow rate (initial Qfull). The initial full flow rate (initial Qfull) is calculated
as follows (Martono, 2015).
 
=  ×
Determine the value of d/D. The d/D value is used to get the Qfull/Qpeak value. The
Qfull/Qpeak values are obtained from the graph design of main sewers on Figure 3
Figure 3.
Design of Main Sewers Graph
Source : (Martono, 2015)
The calculation of the dimensions of the sewerage is carried out after the initial
full flow rate (initial Qfull) and full flow velocity (vfull) are assumed. The channel
diameter is generated by the following formula (Martono, 2015).
Once the diameter is obtained, the hydraulic radius (R) can be calculated. The
hydraulic radius is calculated using the following equation (Martono, 2015).
= 0.25 ×
= diameter of the output channel calculation (mm)
= initial full flow rate (m
= full flow rate (assumed) (m/s)
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R = hydraulic radius (mm)
D = channel diameter (mm)
The slope of the pipe (slope) is one of the factors that greatly affects the value of
. A minimum slope of the pipe is required so that the minimum flow speed is obtained
by self-cleansing so that deposits do not occur in the sewerage. The pipe slope value can
be an assumption provided that the value of V
is not less than 0.6 m/s and not more
than 3 m/s (Martono, 2015). Calculate the slope of the field using the following equation
(Pratiwi & Purwanti, 2015).
S = Slope
 = Different in height (m)
L = Long (m)
Full flow velocity (v
) is the velocity of wastewater flow when the pipe is full. The
full flow rate is calculated by the Manning equation (Martono, 2015).
Vfull =
S = slope of pipe or channel (%)
n = Manning's coefficient of roughness
Vpeak = peak flow rate (m/s)
R = hydraulic radius
The full discharge of wastewater (Qfull) is the discharge of wastewater when the
pipe is full. In addition, it is necessary to calculate the minimum water level (dmin) and
minimum flow velocity (vmin). This was done so that the need for flushing could be
identified in a waste water distribution system.
 =
x vfull
Qfull = full discharge of wastewater (m
dmin = minimum water level (mm)
D = channel diameter (mm)
The vmin/vfull value can be found using the dmin/D value in the design of main
sewers graph Figure 3.2. The minimum flow velocity is given by the equation below.
A. Study Area Conditions
The Ambarita area is in position 2°40’92” east longitude and 98°49’47” South
latitude. Slope conditions in the Ambarita area, which is included in the Simanindo
Priority Area, have a slope of more than 40%, which is 24% of the total land area,
which is difficult to build, while the easy-to-build areas that are on a slope of 0-8%
are only around 18%. According to (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2018) The total population
of the Ambarita area is 1043. The Ambarita area was selected as the study area
because the Ambarita area is a priority tourist area whose population will increase
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rapidly due to tourism activities. This will affect the generation of domestic waste
water, which, if not handled, will cause problems with Lake Toba water pollution.
The problem of wastewater in the Ambarita area has yet to be addressed because
there is no sewage system and WWTP.
B. Population Projections of the Ambarita Area
In the planning of this domestic wastewater distribution system, a planning area is
determined which will be calculated based on the maximum capacity of the design
that will be made in the Master Plan draft, namely the area that is the busiest center of
tourism activities to residential housing. The population to be served is the population
of progressive projections and the design period used in this planning is 20 years
from 2020 to 2040 according to the planning in the Master Plan draft in Figure 4
Figure 4.
MasterPlan Kawasan Ambarita
From Figure 4, for the areas served, the number of parcels from each segment is
obtained multiplied by the number of families (family cards) where each parcel
consists of 5 family members, which can be seen in Table 1.
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Table 1. Ambarita Area Population Per Segment
1. Segment = Division of the area to be served is divided into several
2. Block = A segment divided into service blocks
3. L = pipe length (m)
4. L equivalent = length of straight pipe (m)
5. Cumulative L = Addition of the equivalent length before and after (m)
6. H1 = initial height (m)
7. H2 = the final height (m)
8. Block area = Area per block (ha)
C. Clean Water Needs and Wastewater Projection
Wastewater discharge is the need for clean water from the total domestic and non-
domestic water needs that people use every day. Of this water requirement, about
80% will become domestic wastewater. The Ambarita area is included in the rural
category so that the need for house connections is 95 l/person/day and non-domestic
water needs such as health, education, recreation and sports facilities seen from the
planning needs to be served in the Ambarita Area Master Plan draft and non-standard
water needs. -Domestic PU Cipta Karya. Calculation of water needs for berish and
wastewater can be seen in Table 2 and Table 3.
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Table 2. Calculation of Clean Water and Wastewater Needs (1)
Table 3.
Calculation of Clean Water and Wastewater Needs (2)
1. Qam = Discharge of clean water requirements (m
2. ΔHt = Difference between initial and final heights (m)
3. St = Sp = slope (m)
4. Fp = Peak factor
5. Qr of waste water = Average discharge of wastewater (m
D. Calculation of Pipe Dimensions
Pipes made of concrete are chosen in the planning of domestic wastewater networks
because the material is not easy to react and has a large size. Calculations for the
dimensions of concrete pipes, which have a manning coefficient (n) of 0.012 - 0.016.
The results of the calculation of pipe dimensions can be seen in Table 4.
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Table 4. Calculations to get pipe dimensions and values for V
1. Qmd = Maximum discharge of wastewater in 1 day (m
2. Qinf = Infiltration discharge (m
3. Qpeak = Peak discharge of wastewater (m
4. Q design = Total infiltration discharge and peak discharge (m
5. n Pipe = Manning coefficient (roughness of the pipe)
6. Vfull = Maximum speed (0.6-3 m
7. Qfull = Maximum discharge (m
8. Qd/Qf = The ratio of the discharge of water needs per day to the maximum
9. d/D = the ratio of the water level to the pipe diameter
10. Vp/Vfull = The ratio of the minimum speed to the maximum speed
The planning of the piping network from the calculations that have been obtained
is seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5.
Planning for Domestic Wastewater Piping Network in Ambarita Area
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E. Sewerage with a Closed System
The distribution of domestic wastewater is carried out in a closed system, which aims
to ensure that the distribution does not interfere with activities in the vicinity. The
treated water or WWTP effluent will be flowed into the waters of Danu Toba, in
accordance with the established quality standards, namely Peraturan Pemerintah
Number 82 of 2001 class 2 (Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2001), which is designated
for water recreation infrastructure / facilities, freshwater fish farming, animal
husbandry, and irrigation.
F. Equipment and Types of Piping used
The equipment and types of piping that will be used for piping in the Ambarita area
are manholes, clean out, and using concrete pipes.
G. Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity
The quantity of wastewater to be treated at the wastewater treatment plant has been
obtained from previous calculations, which is the amount of the average discharge of
wastewater, the WWTP discharge is 0.06495 m
/s and the WWTP capacity is
obtained as follows.
Daily WWTP capacity (m
/day) = ∑Qr of waste water
The design that will be planned in determining the WWTP Layout in the Ambarita
area can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5. Dimensions for Layout of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants
The following is the WWTP layout based on the planning design which can be seen in
Figure 6.
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Figure 6.
WWTP Layout in Ambarita Area
H. Technology Recommendations for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants
The laboratory test results of the water quality of Lake Toba at Siallagan Harbor,
which is located in Ambarita, can be seen at Table 6.
Table 6.
Water Sample Laboratory Test at Siallagan Port
Source: The Environmental Service Laboratory in Pangururan, 2019
In the table above that the parameters that exceed class II quality standards
Peraturan Pemeri Number 82 of 2001 (Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2001)
concerning Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control are fecal
coliform and free chlorine. According to the characteristics of domestic wastewater,
fecal coliform is included in biological characteristics, whereas, free chlorine is
classified as organic chemical characteristics which usually comes from the use of
detergents from hotels, households, and other public facilities. Biological processing
technology is selected in the removal of these two parameters because of its lower
cost than chemical processing and limited land availability. The choice of biological
technology is also a request from the Samosir Regency Environmental Service.
Several alternative technologies that are assessed based on the advantages and
disadvantages can be seen in Table 7.
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Table 7. Wastewater Treatment Alternative Assessment
Source : Said (2008) in Asmadi dan Suharno (2012) in (Nasoetion et al., 2017),
Hasil analisis
Based on the total value of technology selection with several assessment
criteria, the biofilter was selected as an alternative technology to be used in domestic
wastewater treatment in the Ambarita area. The biofilter that will be used in domestic
wastewater treatment in the Ambarita area is anaerobic-aerobic biofilter, because the
use of anaerobic processes, organic pollutants in wastewater will be converted into
carbon dioxide gas and methane which is broken down by anaerobic bacteria and
facultative bacteria without using energy. like an air blower, but the content of
ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gas (H
S) cannot be lost. So, if only anaerobic
biofilter is used, only organic pollutants such as BOD, COD and TSS can be
removed. Therefore, it is necessary to process an aerobic biofilter that can break
down the remaining organic pollutants from the anaerobic process, where organic
pollutants will be converted into CO
and H
O (Kemenkes, 2011). An illustrative
anaerobic-aerobic biofilter process can be seen in Figure 7.
Figure 7.
Illustration of Anaerobic-Aerobic Biofilter Unit Model
Source : (Republik Indonesia, 2017)
In the provision of two parameters that exceed the quality standard of Peraturan
Pemerintah Number 82 of 2001 (Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2001), namely fecal
coli and free chlorine, the efficiency of the aerobic-anaerobic biofilter according to
(Hariyani & Sarto, 2018).
1. Fecal coliform Removal
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Removal: 99,9% at peak hour discharge
Initial concentration = 150 coliform/100 ml
Final concentration = 150 (150 x 99,9%) = 0,15 coliform/100ml, which is
less than 100 coliform/100ml.
2. Free chlorine Removal
The removal of free chlorine in domestic wastewater is more than 65% using an
aerobic-anaerobic biofilter (Häggblom & Salkinoja-Salonen, 1991).
Initial concentration = 0,32 mg/l
Final concentration = 0,32 (0,32 x 65%) = 0,112 mg/l
0,112 mg/l still exceeds class 2 water quality standards stipulated in
Peraturan Pemerinta Number 82 of 2001(Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2001),
namely 0.03 mg / l. So, there needs to be an effort to reduce the free chlorine
concentration. However, according to (Hasan, 2006) the chlorine content in
fresh water naturally is 8.3 mg/liter. This shows that the reduction of free
chlorine after deep processing using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter technology is
still safe.
For the planned influent, the characteristics of domestic wastewater have key
parameters, namely BOD, COD, and TSS. The average values of BOD, COD, and TSS
for the characteristics of domestic wastewater are 220 mg/l, 500 mg/l, and 220 mg/l
(Metcalf et al., 1991).
1. BOD Removal
BOD removal in domestic wastewater using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter was 85%
(Metcalf et al., 1991).
Initial concentration = 220 mg/l
Final concentration = 220 mg/l (220 mg/l x 85%) = 33 mg/l
The BOD allowance exceeds the class 2 quality standard according to Peraturan
Pemerintah Number 82 of 2001 (Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2001), which is 3
mg / l, however in the (Permen LHK, 2016) concerning Domestic Wastewater
Quality Standards, the BOD value set is 30 mg / l where the effectiveness of the
reduction has reached 91%.
2. COD Removal
Removal of COD in domestic wastewater using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter is 85%
(Metcalf et al., 1991).
Initial concentration = 500 mg/l
Final concentration = 500 mg/l (500 mg/l x 85%) = 75 mg/l
The COD allowance still exceeds the quality standard of Class 2 Peraturan
Pemerintah Number 82 of 2001 (Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2001), which is 25
mg / l with the effectiveness of the reduction is still 34%, however (Permen LHK,
2016) concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality Standards, the COD value set is
100 mg/l. This shows that the removal of COD with anaerobic-aerobic biofilter
has met the quality standards of the Minister of Environment Regulation Number
68 of 2016.
3. TSS Removal
80% removal of TSS in domestic wastewater using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter
(Metcalf et al., 1991).
Initial concentration = 220 mg/l
Final concentration = 220 mg/l (220 mg/l x 80%) = 44 mg/l
The TSS allowance has met the class 2 quality standard according to Peraturan
Pemerintah Number 82 Year 2001 (Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2001) of 50 mg
/ l, but has not met the quality standard for the Minister of Environment
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Regulation Number 68 Year 2016 concerning Domestic Wastewater Quality
Standards with a TSS value set at 30 mg/l. Thus, the effectiveness of TSS
reduction is still 69%.
The conclusions from the above discussion are as follows:
1. Quantity and quality of domestic wastewater in the Ambarita area:
a. The total discharge of wastewater in the planning area is = 0.06495 m
b. The quality of the waters of Lake Toba which indicates pollution from domestic
wastewater is COD 12.97 mg/l, TSS 3.5 mg/l, BOD <2 mg/l, fecal coli 150
coliform/100ml, Free Chlorine 0.32 mg/l, and total phosphate as P 0.0228 mg/l.
The only parameters that exceed the quality standard are free chlorine and fecal
2. The planned waste water distribution system is an Ambarita service area distribution
system in the MasterPlan draft that focuses on congested activities. The pipe used is a
concrete pipe because is strong enough for the distribution of domestic wastewater.
The diameter used for pipes made of concrete is 100 mm, 125 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm,
and 250 mm and it will have 5 manholes.
3. The total length of pipe required for each diameter of the commonly pipe used in the
market, 100 mm = 1010 m; 125 mm = 663 m; 150 mm = 248 m; 200 mm = 338 m
and for 250 mm = 285 m.
4. Wastewater treatment plants selected to use anaerobic-aerobic biofilter with
effectiveness in reducing fecal coli and free chlorine by 99.9% and 65%. Although,
the free chlorine allowance has not met the quality standards of Peraturan Pemerintah
Number 82 Year 2001 class 2 (Presiden Republik Indonesia, 2001), the use of this
anaerobic-aerobic biofilter is the most effective alternative technology.
5. Reduction of the key parameters of domestic wastewater, namely BOD, COD and
TSS with allowances of 85%, 85% and 80% in using anaerobic-aerobic biofilter
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